The internet and live streaming give more flexibility to both educators and students. PAS Tech Crew students helps make this happened! PAS Tech crew are a groups of students who are interested in and good at technology. They support the technical parts in almost every school events and activities. Take the live streaming for example, they did a lot behind the scene, such as communicating and pre-planning with the speakers, setting up the equipment in the meeting room, making sure the internet connection is secure and stable, and monitoring and facilitating the live stream process. Thank you so much, PAS Tech Crew!! We are very proud of our students to help making all the process so smooth and efficient!

網路和直播為老師和學生在教學和學習上提供了更大的靈活度,PAS Tech Crew 學生是重要的幕後推手! PAS Tech Crew 是一群對科技有興趣並且也擅長的學生。在各種大大小小的學校活動中都能看到他們的身影, 因避免大型集會,「直播」變成首選方式,PAS Tech Crew 在幕後做了很多工作,例如與演講者溝通和預先計劃、在會議室設置好所有設備、確保網路連接且穩定,以及監控直播流程流暢性。 真的非常感謝PAS Tech Crew !真的很棒喔!

2024 Pacific american school

Open House


Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Pacific American School

2021 Open House

Dates 日期: 

2/6, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15, 6/5

Please call 03-5586688 if you have any questions.
如有任何問題,歡迎撥打 03-5586688 洽詢

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If you need to make an appointment for a campus visit, inquiring meeting with school, or take an entrance testing, please click here for your appointment.