SAT Notice: Please bring your own laptop and have Bluebook ready to use. Check and test Bluebook a day before to make sure it works. Must present official ID with English name or passport (name must match admission ticket)

VEX Tipping Point 2021-2022

PAS VEX Open 2021-2022 Tipping Point was held at Pacific American School in November. In this competition, teams design, build, and program robots to compete at tournaments. We are proud to see our students, teachers, and staff work together as a logistic and IT team to successfully facilitate the entire event. They planned and coordinated […]

Motion Sensor in Physical Science

Students in Physical Science class are learning about motion sensor. Teaching and learning is made more meaningful at PAS because teachers devote the time in designing engaging tasks and projects for our students.

Sprit Week 2021

We had a very successful Spirit Week, a five-day event full of different challenges! Thank you so much PAS STUCO for hosting such great event for the entire student body. Spirit week included three main categories of events: dress up challenge, mini games, IG photo-challenge! Students divided into teams by their class and winners get […]

Entrepreneurship Program

Interested in starting your own company? Working in venture capital? Consulting for new businesses? The summer Entrepreneurship Program exposes students to entrepreneurship management and aims to teach them how to build successful businesses. Students completed the Entrepreneurship Program by taking three courses that build upon one another in content and in difficulty. All courses within […]

Live Streaming!

The internet and live streaming give more flexibility to both educators and students. PAS Tech Crew students helps make this happened! PAS Tech crew are a groups of students who are interested in and good at technology. They support the technical parts in almost every school events and activities. Take the live streaming for example, […]

Masks at PAS

Ten months after the outbreak of COVID-19, many countries are still bearing the consequences of delayed government response and public ignorance. With U.S. President Donald Trump

Rock Band Audition

The to-be leaders of the PAS rock band faced off in an exclusive audition in the principal’s office, both combating nervousness and Ms. Pamela Chu’s admittedly trenchant remarks. Though George Wu (12), performing “Like You” by Kit Chan, projected more of his voice as he got more into the chorus, Ms. Pamela commented, “Were you […]

A Visit To Paul Chiang’s Gallery

Paul Chiang’s “A Reflective” The art students and some seniors of Pacific American School visited Paul Chiang’s “A Reflective” presented in Taipei Fine Arts Museum and Paul’s studio in Taitung, exploring Paul’s life through the journey of his art work. 亞太美國學校藝術學生,在大師江賢二於台北美術館的回顧展,以及台東江老師畫室,與藝術對話。

2024 Pacific american school

Open House


Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Pacific American School

2021 Open House

Dates 日期: 

2/6, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15, 6/5

Please call 03-5586688 if you have any questions.
如有任何問題,歡迎撥打 03-5586688 洽詢

Schedule A Campus Visit With Us!


If you need to make an appointment for a campus visit, inquiring meeting with school, or take an entrance testing, please click here for your appointment.