In the Elementary department (ES), the goal is to encourage and instill in students a love for reading and writing, and to build their confidence in oral communication. ES focuses on foundational skills that will prepare students for success as they progress academically. Teachers explicitly teach reading comprehension strategies by building background knowledge and vocabulary to allow students to make a connection to the text. This allows students to ask questions, create/visualize pictures in their minds, and be able to give meaning.
In reading, students are exposed to a variety of genres in both fiction and nonfiction texts, including poetry, folktales, realistic fiction, autobiography, historical fiction, and exposition. Students are encouraged to read independently to develop reading fluency, oral ability, and writing skills. With Writing, our aim is to develop higher level thinking skills that will prepare students for more comprehensive subjects as they begin to write with their audience in mind.
ES reading, grammar and writing skills are scaffolded from grade one to five. Each year, these skills are reviewed as lessons become progressively detailed and complex, which is intended to prepare ES students to enter Middle School (MS).
Focus on the five strands of mathematics — number sense and operations, patterning and algebra, measurement, data analysis and probability, geometry and spatial sense — begin in ES, and continuously becomes more refined as students reach grade five. Students in lower elementary learn how to add and subtract using whole numbers, tell time, explore place value, discover shapes, understand data using pictographs, and solve simple word problems. As they gain a better understanding of basic math problems, students are introduced to more difficult algebraic problems and word problems that help them develop critical thinking skills. Upper elementary students use all four operations and computations to solve more complex problems to develop their critical analysis skills.
PAS stresses the importance of a creative Visual Arts program, which aims to teach students how to form opinion, develop ideas and critique art, both orally as an individual and in a group setting. Students learn to make artistic decisions and express themselves as critical thinkers through art.
By connecting their art process with broader social context, students develop their capacity to grow into well-rounded citizens. Teaching students to think conceptually and aesthetically empowers them and helps them understand how an individual can create an impact both locally, in Taiwan, and globally.
Students learn how artwork is composed and assembled through learning the principles of design, artist’s intent and social context. Students create hands-on projects using a variety of art materials and art techniques. These concepts are then continued into MS and HS, and developed further.
The language of art is a powerful tool to ignite imagination and help ES students learn to be creative thinkers, problem solvers and communicators through their art, which is often displayed in school forums. They are encouraged to make connections with art and the world around them, and to appreciate the range of forms and styles that art can take.
Copyright © 2021 Pacific American School.
Dates 日期:
2/6, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15, 6/5
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