SAT Notice: Please bring your own laptop and have Bluebook ready to use. Check and test Bluebook a day before to make sure it works. Must present official ID with English name or passport (name must match admission ticket)

2015 Science Fair

Science fair at PAS for the year 2014- 2015 The day of the Science Fair, 4th of February 2015 was buzzing with activity at PAS. The entire student body was involved in this activity from grades 1 to 12. The hallways had displays of the various projects and students were hovering around their boards with […]

2024 Pacific american school

Open House


Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Pacific American School

2021 Open House

Dates 日期: 

2/6, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15, 6/5

Please call 03-5586688 if you have any questions.
如有任何問題,歡迎撥打 03-5586688 洽詢

Schedule A Campus Visit With Us!


If you need to make an appointment for a campus visit, inquiring meeting with school, or take an entrance testing, please click here for your appointment.